The two-week wait can feel like 2 years, in all honestly. Especially when you have been dreaming of being a mother for as long as you can remember. After so many years of trying to conceive and going through fertility treatments, the two-week wait doesn't get any easier.
You begin to over analyze every cramp you feel, or you Google every symptom!
The first time around, I was miserable. I literally Google'd every single thing, like implantation cramping, stages of implantation, so on and so forth. That definitely didn't make it any better. So I have come up with a few things that helped me during the dreaded TWW.
You begin to over analyze every cramp you feel, or you Google every symptom!
The first time around, I was miserable. I literally Google'd every single thing, like implantation cramping, stages of implantation, so on and so forth. That definitely didn't make it any better. So I have come up with a few things that helped me during the dreaded TWW.